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Classical concerts featuring
Jan Pascal


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Alexander Kilian

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March 22, 2025
Artistic depiction of the event

Café del Mundo

Sat, Mar 22, 2025, 20:00
Laeiszhalle, Kleiner Saal (Hamburg)
Jan Pascal (Guitar), Alexander Kilian (Guitar)
Two chairs, two guitars and two microphones – that’s all the two guitarists Jan Pascal and Alexander Kilian need to touch hearts, to enchant, to travel off their chairs and to release a wide range of emotions that transcend all boundaries. Café del Mundo plays a unique sound. From the very first note, their finely tuned guitars radiate that southern joie de vivre that celebrates life and at the same time moves you deeply – that’s what guitar sounds like today! As artistic personalities, the two are opposites: Alexander Kilian is regarded as a guitar prodigy, highly virtuosic, extroverted and award-winning, sometimes dancing across the rows of chairs. Jan Pascal is the poet with depth, meaning and a feel for the melodies of life. A concert by Café del Mundo is an experience, an encounter, a tribute to the great love of life, to the interconnectedness of everything and everyone and to the pure joy of the moment – »guitartainment«.